Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fundraising for Boston Marathon Starts

I know that the training part to run the Boston marathon under 4 hours will be easy.  The hard part will be raising the funds for Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI).

I am hoping to raise close to $5000 for DFCI, but the minimum requirement is $4000. It will be a shame if I cannot raise that much for a cause.  I hope to get most contributions from Boston area because I live there, am running the Boston Marathon, and am raising the money for a cancer hospital located in Boston, but there are good people all around the world.

I got my fund raising page up at DFCI marathon challenge website yesterday.  I posted my appeal to Facebook, so did my wife, and was hoping to get about $100 donated the first day after the announcement.  This morning I woke up to find that no one contributed.  There is a big zero laughing at me.  You are welcome to verify it here:

Please donate now. Its a very good cause.
Donations are tax deductible.

My appeal:
Cancer can devastate any family.  No matter how much money you got (Steve Jobs died of cancer, and all his money could not save him), no matter how healthy you are (Lance Armstrong), no matter how good you take care of yourself, no matter what, cancer is a stones-throw-away from you.  Lets join hands to find best cures for cancer through research. Please donate to Dana Farber Cancer Institute for yourself, your family, your community, and the world. Even a small donation will go a long way.

Here are the 16 selected research projects directly supported by this donation:

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