Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Flying to Springfield, Vermont

I flew to Springfield, VT (KVSF) on Saturday with my daughter (Maheen).
Since I am new to flying in the Northeast, I always fly my planned route first on the Microsoft Flight Simulator (I have CH products flight simulator yoke and pedals with a decent video card).

I used VOR navigation and the route of flight was KLWM->EEN->KVSF->KLWM on a Beechcraft BE23, generously offered by New England Flying Club. I was with Boston Flight Center for entire flight, and I obtained a flight plan from Duats.

I made a full stop landing at KVSF.  Its a beautiful airport and the fall foliage made it perfect fall getaway.  Weather was nice with ceilings at 4000 feet.

Went through couple of rain showers and Maheen was excited to see the rainbow under her feet. She thought that rainbow appears up on the sky, unreachable, but now she knows that it can be under your feet if you are ON the sky.  Same concept applies to the stars.

I tried to take her through a rainbow but it disappeared when the angle of light falling on the droplets became so that the light wont split into its constituent colors. Thats a harder concept for me to explain to her though.

There was glider towing in progress at the airport and gladly there was only one active glider, and one tow plane towing it.

Here are some picture of my daughter at Springfield VT airport.

Its my plane, says Maheen.
And I choose to sit on the right side seat.
But I can pose too cause those gliders are interesting.


  1. Check out your competition. Do you need to be on WordPress to get centered captions under your pix that look like these? ;)

  2. John, I wouldnt pay for blogging on worldpress ;)

  3. fyi: Wordpress is free, a better interface, and a better user agreement.
