Friday, November 4, 2011

Shape Ups

I recently bought a pair of Shape Ups at a Ross Store and I hate them.  The marketing rant behind these shoes is as silly as they look:  "The rounded sole will give you killer calves and a firm behind".  Who could be more suitable for conveying this message to the unsuspecting public than Kim Kardashian as shown in this ad.
I always buy my running sneakers at Ross in Santa Barbara because the shoes there are half the price.  But then you lose the selection and variety offered by a running shoes store.  I had to buy the shape ups because there was no other good option.  I paid $30 (as compared to $70 retail).

They make my foot unstable.  And hence... my first foot injury.  I am off from running for a week and these shoes are going to become my gardening shoes.  Maybe I will build Maheen a see-saw with them.

One reviewer says, "I have been thrilled with these shoes. Since receiving them, I have noticed that my legs are toning up."

To that reviewer, I say that your mind believes what you tell it.  Shoes never tone your body unless if they are made of cast iron.

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